These books, all monolingual, are collections of traditional stories in various languages of northern Vanuatu. In the table below, click on to view the book online, or on to download it.
Ne vegevage së te Lō mi ne Toge |
Lo-Toga |
Stories from Lo and Toga islands (Torres) |
(5.4 Mb) |
Ne vegevage r̄ossë 'n Mer̄avtit |
Hiw |
The legend of the hero Megravtit (Torres) |
(4.4 Mb) |
Liatevo iepiene ñe piene akapa |
Teanu+ |
Traditional stories from Vanikoro (Solomon Is) |
(2.8 Mb) |
Suusuu pule maraw avan Lakon |
Lakon |
Traditional stories in Lakon (Gaua) |
(2.7 Mb) |
Ususraa pule maraw men Ōlrat |
Olrat |
Traditional stories in Olrat (Gaua) |
(1.5 Mb) |
O susrig ble mraw vata Dōrig |
Dorig |
Traditional stories in Dorig (Gaua) |
(1.7 Mb) |
Sorosoro m̈ar̄an Raki |
Araki |
Traditional stories in Araki (south Santo) |
(12 Mb) |
Nvāv ‘ām 'a Lēmērig |
Lemerig |
Traditional stories in Lemerig (Vanua Lava) |
(13 Mb) |
O oln̄evu ta turm̄o ta M̄ēsēn |
Mwesen |
Traditional stories in Mwesen (Vanua Lava) |
(8.6 Mb) |
Tog tog i van en |
Mwotlap |
‘Once upon a time’:
Traditional stories in Mwotlap |
(7.4 Mb) |
Bulsal, dam galsi me lēklek |
Mwotlap |
‘Follow me, my friend’: Language reader |
(7.2 Mb) |
The last book in the list is a bit different: it is a language reader rather than a collection of traditional stories. It takes the form of a dialogue or drama, which I wrote in 2000 together with my friend Edgar Howard. The book is currently being used in Mwotlap schools for the teaching of language as well as traditional culture.